EthicsThere is no right way to do a wrong thing.

TRAK holds itself to having the highest ethical standards in everything that could affect the business; wherever it is transacted.

Each employee routinely undergoes training and is expected to report, without any fear of discrimination, all suspected breaches of ethics guidelines using the publicised Smiths Ethics Hotline.

We hold our partners in our supply and external sales channels to the same high standards and routinely refresh their understanding of what TRAK and the Smiths Group expects from them.

Smiths Policy

It is the personal responsibility of each and every Smiths employee to know, understand and comply with the Code. All employees are accountable for day-to-day compliance.

Employees who have concerns or queries in relation to the Code are encouraged to raise these by contacting line management, human resources, legal counsel for their business or division or by using the confidential Ethics Helpline established across the Group.

The Ethics Helpline is accessible by both phone and email to answer queries relating to ethics issues, as well as to act as a confidential reporting line for concerns and allegations. The Helpline is available via toll-free numbers in thirty-six countries where Smiths has businesses, staffed by individuals who speak the local language. All issues are addressed promptly and referred, as required, to relevant functions to enable proper investigation.

Information about the Ethics Helpline and other aspects of Code compliance is available to employees on the Smiths intranet in twelve languages. For employees who do not have access to Smiths Group electronic communication tools, posters are on display at Smiths sites. All employees are providedwith a hard copy of the Code.

In order to communicate the Code, Smiths provides ethics training to individuals across the Group. The Smiths Code of Business Ethics training course is available online in five languages through a custom built electronic training platform, the Global Learning Resource (GLR), and installed on a Smiths training portal available through the internet. The course is also available on CD-ROM. The GLR and portal are designed to support employee training in the areas of business ethics, compliance, safety and security.

Smiths continues to be awarded membership of the FTSE4Good Index which acknowledges companies that meet globally recognised corporate responsibility standards. Whilst we are not complacent about the ongoing work required, we were pleased to receive this external recognition of our corporate responsibility initiatives and business ethics programme.