Industry news from, and about, our focus markets interests us and we guess it probably interests you too. We wanted to gather our ‘go to’ sites; those we routinely monitor to ensure we know and understand what has happened, what is happening and what might happen.

Click on one of many industry news images we have below to visit their website:

In our opinion the FAA website provides the most comprehensive space related reports and statistics. Link to the COMSTAC reports and the Commercial Space Transportation Forecasts 2015.

Jane’s site is a comprehensive resource on matters pertaining defence & security while the Everything RF links the excellent RF calculator page which has 50 or so useful tools.

For really in depth knowledge of payloads follow the link to the Satellite Mission Database.

If there are sites you would recommend be added to this list then please let us know and we will review your recommendation, and if appropriate, add the link to this page.